Sometimes I have a big rush of enthusiasm in the morning. But my physical strength just isn't there yet after being sick. Or sometimes I'll have a great deal of physical energy, but no creative patience. I really have to feel fresh to do things like beadwork or drawing. Otherwise the quality suffers. Other days my eyes feel weak. So the trick is to find the right activity for my current levels of mood, spirit, health and so on.
The other day I bought a hat pattern. I thought I had the enthusiasm to make the hat, but I suddenly find myself intimidated. Usually then I procrastinate and work on other projects, but that just makes it more and more intimidating. Like my silk screening kit I bought myself for my birthday in Jan. I still haven't made a single t-shirt. I even bought two blank shirts a few days ago, but that's as far as I've gotten. The directions call for 'freezer paper' and I can't find it anywhere. I need to look at Smart and Final, but I already spent all the money I can this month. I can't buy another thing until I pay $200 for my car insurance on the 20th. Ugh.
Which means I can't buy the rest of the supplies I need to get into silk screening.
It would be very useful if I would make a sale on Etsy. I haven't sold anything in months, which means no income. I get tons of compliments. But you can't pay car insurance with compliments.
I'm spending more and more money on Etsy and the return just isn't there. My business doesn't seem to be growing at all.
I'm looking forward to Sunday. I'm going to an archery event at Tapo in Simi Valley. So I should have plenty of photo opportunities.