Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Quick Daily Post

Between Thanksgiving and finishing the Nanowrimo challenge I've really gotten behind on blogging. Bear with me as I try to get the train back on the track.

Right now I'm getting ready to go shopping in Victorville so I'm pretty excited. Looking for black cherry hair dye and lipstick. If they don't have it I'll have to order it from Amazon.

Rainy day yesterday and a pretty wet morning today. We need it and it is nice to have a new kind of weather because it's been the same ole same ole for months now.

I've been busy working on my mood afghan and my new fitness goal. I'm taking the hours I was putting into writing the Nano novel into belly dancing and working out. So that's hopefully going to help with my fitness this month.

Got milk?

Daily Moon Afghan.

Me at the park.

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